Saturday, June 27, 2009
Art & Craft Survey
From the results of this survey, we hope to gather a really comprehensive idea of the activities that happen, the interest in all forms of arts and crafts, and what people are looking for in our region
Please take a few moments to complete the survey as well as to pass it on to people you know in the area who may be interested in completing it as well.
Please visit: and let us know your thoughts.
Many thanks in advance!
Jennifer Reymes
Friday, June 12, 2009
Message from the Director
Due to circumstances beyond what we had planned (low enrolment) we have had to make the executive decision to pull our 2009 summer programmes for kids and teens. As disappointing as it is for our team, we are moving full steam ahead towards a fabulous fall schedule, planning and organizing an amazing arts agenda for all ages. Our instructors are world class - please take a moment to read their bios and what our school can offer this incredible community.
ARTS are the cultural foundation of all nations. They feed our souls and create passion within and around us. We are ALL innately creative beings. Please support our mission to bring this to Northumberland. Our fall catalogue will be out in mid July. We value your support and input. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Please pass it around, and get the word out - together we can build an amazing arts centre, we can't do it without you!
Cindy Taylor
Director, Northumberland School of the Arts
Welcome to Northumberland School of the Arts
Northumberland School of the Arts welcomes everyone - from professional practitioners to interested visitors. It is a place of inspiration, enterprise, and creativity where people love to work, feel free to experiment, and often exceed their own expectations.
The school features education in visual arts, digital arts, music, drama, photography, textile arts, domestic crafts, culinary, gardening, writing, children’s classes, and a variety of other mediums. Classes and workshops are taught by outstanding local, regional, and national artists. The school also organizes art and craft exhibitions, lectures, and concerts. Our Mobile Outreach Program disperses artist-teachers to schools and retirement homes during the year, giving local children and seniors hands-on learning in art, music, drama, and traditional craft media.
The Mission of the Northumberland School of the Arts is to promote, enhance and encourage the development and enjoyment of all forms of the arts in the Northumberland Region.
To learn more about us, please visit: